
Goal Notes Deadline Page Competencies Priority
Code LP im copying niko :/ imagine there is a link here /qr//er//comms//sr//pq/ high
Learn Java I wanna be a programmer, or at least
have knowledge about programming at robotics.
no real timeframe linkk /qr//er//comms//sr//pq/ high
Japanese I take the Japanese language seminar, along with doing Anki flashcards Japanese /comms//pq//sr/ med
Robotics I'm part of a FIRST robotics club Jan. - undefined Robotics /qr//er//comms//pq/ med
Math- Tutoring i don't think the math class is challenging enough. i want be as good as tak forever cursed Math /qr//pq/ high

My Project

My project this learning cycle is to learn java at robotics, and to keep working on my learning plan. For my learning plan, I have a couple ideas. The first one that I want to implement is adding the screen that needs you to hit space to enter the site. I think another easy one that I can get done pretty quickly is adding the calender to my learning plan. I have started learning Java, I hope to keep learning and to learn more in- depth during the off- season.

Project Proposal