Task | Progress | Priority | Due | add components to learning plan | not started | high | soon |
PQQR Math Homework | not started | low | 2025-03-10 |
Tutoring Math Homework | in progress | high | 2025-03-14 |
This week, I learned a lot of programming at robotics, and I did lots of tutoring homework. I sent 4 emails to contacts, and I started working on my literary analysis intro and conclusion. I also did my LC2 Reflection. I started brainstorming ideas for my learning plan next learning cycle
This week, I had 2 in- person interviews, and I requested 2 shadow days. I have had lots of growth in LTI, but I need more work on my project. I got a lot of homework done because of the snow days :)
This week, I had interviews on both Tuesday and Thursday, so I think that is evidence of growth in LTI. I also have an interview on the 4th, next Tuesday. I’m falling a bit behind on homework though, so I guess I’m gonna try to get that done tonight.
1/24/25- This week, most of my time spent was catching up on missed schoolwork, but I'm all caught up now, and I hope I get more free time next week. There also wasn’t very much new work being assigned, mostly just a few things to get done. also WITS. I do kind of feel like im falling behind on LTI.
This week, I worked a lot on my Learning Plan, and I'm pretty proud of it for only working on it for like 2 days. Other than that, I had some trouble staying motivated to do my math homework, including my tutoring stuff, despite not having the distraction of a video game. By that I mean I lost my Val account, but I was still just kinda sorta not doing that much. I did make some yummy mac and cheese! I also did my first in- person interview (or rather my second, but my first was me and Tak). Overall, I think I've grown a lot this week, even if I didn't meet my expectations.
This week, I think I did pretty well as far as completing my goals goes, I got 3 interviews, one of them is later today, and I did some work on my project proposal. I want to get my interviews and interview reflections done
This week, I think I didn’t get as much done as I had hoped, I was productive, but I also lost my retainer which cost me $300 which is sad. Overall, good week, definitely better than others. I did fall asleep twice though. Idk what that was about. I also didn’t work on my learning plan or project proposal as much as I should have.