Buisness Name | Contact | Job Title | Email/Phone | Date Contacted | Interview Date | Shadow Day | Notes |
Michiko Swiggs | Michiko Swiggs | Web Dev | michiko23@gmail.com | 2025-02-25 | tbd | tbd | |
Aufulbet.com | John McRandle | Illustrator/Animator | johnmcrandle@gmail.com | 2025-02-25 | tbd | tbd | |
Pacific Engineering Technologies | Caleb Eriksen | Engineering Designer | ceriksen@pacengtech.com | 2025-02-18 | 2025-02-25 | tbd | |
Seattle Fire Dept. | idk yet | firefighter | FireChiefOffice@seattle.gov | 2025-02-13 | tbd | tbd | |
Renton Fire | Anjela Barton | fire marshal | abarton@rentonrfa.org | 2025-02-13 | tbd | tbd | |
North Highline Fire District Station 18 | idk yet | firefighter | Office@northhighlinefd.org | 2025-02-13 | tbd | tbd | |
Abossein Engineering | no contacts | engineer | cservice@abossein.com | 2025-02-11 | no | no | no response |
Neudorfer Engineers | no contacts | engineer | bneudorfer@neudorferengineers.com | 2025-02-11 | no | no | no response |
Coughlin Porter Lundeen | no contacts | engineer | info@cplinc.com | 2025-02-11 | no | no | no response |
LPD Engineers | idk | engineer | info@lpdengineering.com | 2025-02-11 | no | no | no response |
Metrix Engineers | Autumn Lockwood | Marketing Coord & Office Manager | autumnl@metrixeng.com | 2025-01-28 | 2025-02-06 | no :( | |
Offbeat Films | Thomas Ackels | CEO | thomas@offbeatseattle.com | 2025-01-24 | 2025-02-04 | tbd | |
Eastside Fire and Rescue | Janelle Chow | firefighter | janellelindsaychow@gmail.com | 2024-11-11 | 2025-01-30 | tbd | a parent's friend's daughter |
Valor Civil Engineering | Frank Marescalco | engineer | valorcivilengineering@hotmail.com | 2024-12-19 | 2025-01-28 | tbd | pretty cool dude |
Harper Engineering | no contacts | engineer | sales@harperengineering.com | 2024-12-19 | no | no | no response |
King Co. Fire Dist. 2 | Wayne Metz | Chief of Operations | wmetz@king2fd.org | 2024-12-10 | 2024-12-17 | yes | |
Department of Defense, Retired | Olin Jensen | firefighter | firedawgr3@yahoo.com | 2024-11-11 | 2024-12-13 | he's in Texas | Traci's brother |
PSSC | Taresa Herrmann | office | taresa.herrmann@highlineschools.org | 2024-12-10 | no interview | no | PSSC Fire and Emergency Services |
The New Blank | no contacts | Animation Studio | info@thenewblank.com | 2024-11-11 | no | no | no response |
Mew Studios | no contacts | Animation Studio | info@mewstudios.com | 2024-11-11 | no | no | no response |
Motion FX Studios | no contacts | Animation Studio | mfx@mfxstudio.com | 2024-12-5 | no | no | no response |
Starfire Animation | no contacts | Animation Studio | contact@starfireanimation.com | 2024-12-5 | no | no | no response |
Don Kenoyer | Don Kenoyer | Interactive Designer & Musician | donkenoyer@gmail.com | 2024-11-07 | 2024-11-19 | no | a friend of my parent's |
Duncan Sharp Films | Duncan Sharp | filmmaker | duncan@duncansharpfilms.com 310-480-2753 |
2024-11-06 | 2024-11-21 | no | a friend of my parent's |
Real Networks | Diana Cooper | Sales Operations | dcooper@realnetworks.com | 2024-10-24 | no | no | not an animator |
Interface Engineering | Andy Frichtl | Managing Principal | andyf@interfaceeng.com | 2024-10-24 | no | no | no response |
Forza | Aiden Hilsen | 3D Artist | aidenhilsen@gmail.com | 2024-10-24 | 2024-10-31 | no |